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PD & Graduate Course Reimbursement

All full-time certified staff members shall be eligible to receive reimbursement of tuition costs for courses taken in a college or university pursuant to the following provisions:

1.  Courses must be approved in advance by the Superintendent or designee.  (Form)
    Request for Approval of College/University Courses (Submission Deadlines)
    -June 1 for Summer Session*
    -August 15 for Fall Semester
    -December 10 for Spring Semester

2.  Teachers shall be eligible for the reimbursement contingent upon satisfactory completion of course and achievement of a passing grade at the rate of $400 per credit up to nine (9) credits per year.

3. A total yearly cap of $15,000 shall apply to reimbursement paid to certified staff. In the event that the cap is exceeded, an equitable method of distribution shall be established and mutually agreed upon by the administration and the Association.

4.  Paraprofessionals shall be eligible for reimbursement at the rate of $250 per credit up to nine (9) credits per year.

5.  A total yearly cap of $3,500 per year shall apply to reimbursement for paraprofessionals.

6.  All reimbursement paperwork shall be submitted to the Board office (C/O Kristina Santoro) by June 15. One reimbursement check will be issued.

Reimbursement Paperwork:
-Copy of transcripts with passing grade for approved courses, and
-Copy of proof of payment (credit card statement, cancelled check, or university statement of payment)

*Courses completed after the June 15th deadline for submission of paperwork will be eligible for reimbursement in the following school year.