Early Childhood Education
The Goal of the South Amboy Early Childhood Education Department is to educate the whole child academically, socially, and emotionally through developmentally appropriate play, interactions, exploration, and a student centered, inquiry based curriculum. To that end we as a diverse community of supportive and committed educators, parents, and citizens provide equitable access so all of our students recognize that they are:
- Early Childhood Education Announcements
- SAES Early Childhood Advisory Council
- Community Parent Involvement Specialist (CPIS)
- Report Cards and Rubrics
- Important Documents
- ECE Parent Pro Academy
- Preschool FAQs
Early Childhood Education Announcements
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Pre-Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on February 18, 2024 and will continue through the end of the school year. We will be doing our registrations completely online to ensure that individuals who are working do not miss out on early registration. To be eligible for our program students must turn 3 or 4 on or before October 1, 2025 (Policy #5112). Students already enrolled through one of our partner sites do not need to register for preschool again. Some information may need to be updated.
New families must complete an online pre-registration using the Genesis online registration portal. Please be sure to review the required registration documents listed on the New Student Registration page of our website, and have them ready to be uploaded to the Genesis online registration portal. Once an online pre-registration is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email from the school registrar. This email will contain the list of required registration documents and your options for submitting (email, mail, drop off copies, or in person appointment).
After reviewing the items someone from the school will call you between 9:00 and 2:00 and go over all information included in the online registration. Registration is not complete until all documents have been submitted, reviewed, and approved by all parties. Students will be placed at either Acelero Learning, the Children Center For Learning, or South Amboy Elementary School. We will provide details for a parent orientation at a later date. For more information about registration please call AnnaMae O'Connor (732) 525-2100 extension 2221 or email aoconnor@sapublicschools.com.
We are very pleased that your child will be attending our program and look forward to providing your child with the very best education possible.
Sean Dunphy
South Amboy Elementary School
SAES Early Childhood Advisory Council
The South Amboy Early Childhood Advisory Council (SAECAC) is designed to support the efforts of Early Childhood Education in South Amboy by promoting community collaborations and strengthening family involvement. The primary function of The South Amboy Early Childhood Advisory Council (SAECAC) is to:
- Provide all of the stakeholders an opportunity to be active participants in the assessment of needs;
- Develop priorities based on recommendations of the Early Childhood Education Director and the Community and Parent Involvement Specialist (CPIS);
- Identify and use resources based on an analysis of available school data related to the South Amboy Early Childhood Program.
The Council serves the District as an external advisory body. The District will take the recommendations of the Council under advisement but are not bound to uphold the decisions of the Council.
The primary responsibilities of the SAECAC are to:
- Provide all stakeholders an opportunity to be active participants in the assessment of needs and resources, including facilities, as it pertains to the implementation of high-quality preschool to third-grade programs; and
- Develop priorities based on recommendations of the Early Childhood Education Director and Community and Parent Involvement Specialist (CPIS); and
- Review and comment on program reports at the request of the district’s Director of Early Childhood Education; and
- Enlist, promote, and support collaboration between the Early Childhood Program and the community.
The goal of this Council is to support children and families as life-long learners. The South Amboy Early Childhood Advisory Council’s mission is to support an all-inclusive, high-quality education for children in Preschool through Grade 3. We believe early childhood is a crucial time in development that requires positive experiences from which children can develop and grow.
Martin Gurczeski Jr. Ed.D. Director of Early Childhood Education 240 John Street South Amboy, NJ 08879 Phone: 732-525-2100 ext. 1221 Email: mgurczeski@sapublicschools.com |
Amy Russo Phone: 732-525-2100ext. 2238 |
Community Parent Involvement Specialist (CPIS)
Report Cards and Rubrics
Our standards-based report card is designed to clearly communicate student performance toward grade level standards and expectations to families. Listed below are copies of specific reports for each grade level and rubrics which will be used to assess where students are at in their progression towards meeting grade level standards. For more information please contact your child's classroom teacher, Mr. Dunphy, or Mrs. Buchanan.
Report Card
Interim Reports
Report Card
Grading Rubric English Language Arts
Grading Rubric Math
1st Grade
Interim Reports
Report Card
Grading Rubric English Language Arts
Grading Rubric Math
2nd Grade
Interim Reports
Report Card
Grading Rubric English Language Arts
Grading Rubric Math
3rd Grade
Interim Reports
Report Card
Grading Rubric English Language Arts
Grading Rubric Math
During the summer of 2020 Mr. Dunphy and Dr. Gurczeski held zoom meetings for specific grade levels to speak about South Amboy Elementary School's change to a Standards Based Report Cards. We recorded our meetings at that time and encourage all of our families to view the videos for the grade levels your children are enrolled in.
Grades K and 1 - https://youtu.be/ALT5nCPQC5M
Grades 2 and 3 - https://youtu.be/OwPD2SXIZFg
Important Documents
ECE Parent Pro Academy
Preschool FAQs
South Amboy Preschool
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the South Amboy Public Schools Preschool Program?
The South Amboy Public Schools Preschool Program, primarily funded by the PEEA, is a high-quality preschool education program for three and four year old students who are residents in the City of South Amboy.
I’d like my child to attend the Preschool Program. What do I need to do?
Preschool registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin in February and continue through the end of the school year.
To be eligible to attend the program at SAES or our partner locations, students must turn 3 on or before October 1, 2025 (Policy #5112).
What if my child was already enrolled?
Returning students will need to provide updated residency and immunization records for the new school year.
Students who turn four during the 2025-2026 school year will not need to redister again for the 2025-26 school year.
What is the required documentation for registration:
Please refer to the registration page for information related to registration documents. Click here to be redirected to the registration page.
Where are the preschool classrooms located?
For the 2025-2026 School Year, the program currently includes:
South Amboy Elementary School (249 John Street)
Acelero Learning of Monmouth and Middlesex County (310 Augusta Street)
Children's Center for Learning of South Amboy (148 NORTH BROADWAY)
How is it determined where my child goes?
Placement into the preschool program is based on program and availability.
Both SAES and Acelero locations offer the same services and follow the same curriculum.
In the unlikely case that registered students cannot be placed into the program are put on a waiting list. Should a seat become available, the family will be notified.
Is there before and after care?
South Amboy Public Schools does not directly offer before and after care. The YMCA does provide childcare options. For more information you can go to their website: https://www.ymcaofmewsa.org/childcare/south-amboy-child-care.
When does the school year start?
Orientation day for families to join their children to visit the classroom will be announced during the Summer of 2025.
Where can I find the 2025-2026 School Year Calendar?
A copy of the school calendar will be provided prior to the start of the school year. The 2025-2026 School Calendar will be posted once it is approved by the Board of Education.
What are the school day hours?
The school day is six hours long.
Doors open at 8:30 AM and close at 8:40.
Preschool dismissal is at 2:30.
How many classrooms are at each school?
There are three classrooms at South Amboy Elementary School (249 John Street)
There are three classrooms at Acelero Learning of Monmouth and Middlesex County (310 Augusta Street)
There is one classroom at The Children's Learning Center of South Amboy (148 North Broadway).
How many children are in a class?
The maximum number of students in each classroom is 15 students.
Does my child have to attend school every day?
We encourage all of our students to attend school everyday. However, we understand that there are times when they will not be able to attend.
For more information about our Attendance Policy, please see Attendance.
How does lunch and snack work?
Every class has its breakfast and lunch in its own classroom. Students eat family style as an extension of the Tools of the Mind curriculum.
Lunch can be provided at school or brought in from home.
If there are students with food-related allergies, the teacher will let families know before the start of the school what is not allowed to be brought into the classroom.
If you think your family qualifies for a free or reduced lunch, or as your family's financial circumstances change, this form can be completed at any point during the school year.
My child has food allergies. What is your policy for food allergies?
All preschool classrooms follow the BOE Policy 5310.
I believe that my child needs more support in the classroom, what do I do?
First contact your child’s teacher and discuss your concerns.
If needed, the Preschool Intervention and Referral Team (PIRT) will become involved to work on strategies to help your child.
If there are more supports or modifications needed, a referral to the preschool Child Study Team (CST) would be initiated by the PIRT.
The referral will get you a meeting with the CST, and at that meeting, there will be a determination if an evaluation is warranted.
How do parents and families get involved with volunteering?
South Amboy Public Schools has a strong partnership with the South Amboy Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
For more information please visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/southamboypto/
Where can I find out more about the Preschool Program and School?
Parent Handbooks will be made on the South Amboy Elementary School website before the start of the new school year.
Classroom teachers will also provide information during the 1st day of school and throughout the school year.
In the meantime, if you have questions, please contact: the building principal Sean Dunphy at sdunphy@sapublicschools.com.
What will my child learn?
Our preschool classrooms all use the Tools of the Mind curriculum.
Children learn through play and to that aim your child will be provided a variety of developmentally appropriate learning opportunities.
A variety of materials, toys, books, and equipment will be present.
The environment will be “print rich” full of labels, books and pictures.
There will be a variety and number of objects and items to manipulate and use to develop math concepts.
Children will initiate, plan, do and recall activities while learning problem solving, conflict resolution, and decision – making.
Should I expect a progress report?
Parents will be provided two reports during the school year which can be previewed here. The first report will be shared in late January/early February and again in June.
Parents will also receive reports from the classroom teacher periodically to show improvement with specific areas being worked on in the classroom.
Does the school have field trips and other programs?
Yes – Field trips are part of the program curriculum and each student will be offered at least 2 field trips each year.
What happens if we move during the school year?
From time to time a parent finds that it is necessary to transfer a child to another school district. If this becomes the case for your and your family, please call AnnaMae O'Connor (732) 525-2100 extension 2221 or email aoconnor@sapublicschools.com to avoid a break in your child’s preschool experience.
Does the school conduct screenings during the school year?
We will provide or assure access to comprehensive health services, which include a broad range of medical, dental, mental health, and nutritional services to preschool children to assist in the child’s development.
Does the school provide any workshops for parents?
Throughout the course of the school year workshops will be offered through the Office of Early Childhood Education focusing on coping skills, establishing routines, and other topics related to Early Childhood Education.
Workshops are also offered through South Amboy Elementary School and through the district’s Parent Pro Academy.
What happens if my child becomes sick or injured while in school?
In case of emergency or injury to the student during the school day, school personnel will give first aid treatment. The parent/guardian shall be contacted as soon as possible to provide subsequent care.
Does my child need to be potty-trained to enter Pre-K?
Your child does not need to be potty-trained to enter Pre-K. The staff will work with you and your child on creating strategies to reinforce potty-training.