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Gifted and Talented Mission Statement

South Amboy Public Schools endeavors to provide a broad base to educate and empower today's learners to develop intellectually, emotionally, and socially as tomorrow's leaders within a diverse community of supportive and committed educators, parents, and citizens. By providing a rigorous and differentiated curriculum, our programs facilitate the growth of students as independent, life-long learners who will become productive citizens, with the development of skills, concepts and positive attitudes within the cognitive, emotional and social domains.

South Amboy Public Schools recognizes and is proud of the accomplishments of our academically and/or intellectually gifted and talented students who perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of achievement in comparison to others of their age or experience. These exceptional talents cross all racial, cultural, and socio-economic categories and are celebrated, as is all diversity in South Amboy Public Schools.

These children require differentiated educational services beyond those ordinarily provided by the regular education program.


South Amboy Middle/High School
